Picsart Latest Mod v13.5.3 APK File

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App info :-

Version : 13.7.4
Updated on : Dec 20, 2019
Downloads : 500000000 + downloads
Download size :30.44 MB
In-app purchases : BDT 80.00 - BDT 10,000.00 per item
Offered : PicsArt
Released on : Nov 4, 2011

App permissions Version 13.7.4 may request access to

Camera :
  • take pictures and videos
Contacts :
  • read your contacts
Location :
  • access precise location (GPS and network-based
  • access approximate location (network-based)
Storage :
  • modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
  • read the contents of your USB storage
Other : 
  • View network connections
  • prevent phone from sleeping
  • view Wifi connections
  • receive data from Internet
  • read Google service configuration
  • Google Play billing service
  • have full network access
  • Play Install Referrer API
  • set wallpaper
  • activity recognition

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